Nau, Mai,
Haere Mai

Welcome to Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke

What We Do

Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke is a national framework where police, iwi and qualified kaiāwhina work in partnership to attend to and reduce family harm.

The role of Whāngaia is to hear whānau voice.

Involving whānau and communities in sustainable family harm reduction is a leading principle for the outfit. The first point of call after a call-out for family violence, the initiative receives referrals following incidents involving whānau, and is designed to implement long-term reductions in family harm and provide navigation support between other services for whānau.

Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke has a whānau-driven approach, and the presence of a community member or iwi with police on-site at call-out can reduce the tension within a crisis. The emphasis is on acknowledging the challenges whānau face when navigating the system and cultivating a tikanga Māori and whakapapa approach to the crisis. It is designed to ensure an individual’s story is taken into account when authorities make referrals to agencies, as well as ensuring ongoing support to people.

We encourage whānau to share their story so that we can ensure their voice is heard when we make referrals to local agencies. This could be anything from a phone conversation, to arranging a whānau hui if requested.



Working Together

Being closer together means we hear your struggles, being closer together means you are not alone, and together we can support your journey to discover your answers within.

Hearing Your Story

We respect that every individual has their own truth, which deserves to be told without judgment. We will work alongside you to listen and understand your story, in your own words.


Your Truth


Your Voice

Privileging Your Voice

Our job is to ensure your voice is heard. We respect your story and will work to ensure those who need to hear it, do hear it.

Our People

Contact Us

Wayne Hema

Wayne hema

Ko Titirangi te Maunga
Ko Waiau te Awa
Ko Waite kauri te Waka
Ko Rangiahua te Marae
Ko Te Poho-o-Tamaterangi te Whare Tipuna
Ko Tahora te Wharekai
Ko Ngāi Tamaterangi te Hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi
Ko Wayne Hema taku ingoa
Ko Yuanita taku hoa wahine
Ko Cullen, Wyatt ratau ko Scarlett aku tamariki.
No Wairoa ahau.

I am a loving and devoted husband to my lovely wife Yuanita Hema and together we raise our three children, Cullen, Wyatt, and Scarlett.

I have previously been employed for Affco Wairoa, Wairoa College, Wairoa Community Centre and most recently Wairoa Probation, a noticeable trend within all that employment is WAIROA. Born and raised in Wairoa, I have grown a passion and drive to support, strengthen and uplift our whanau and community.

I have recently accepted a position within Enabled Wairoa in the Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke Family Harm Team. I look forward to walking alongside whānau and empowering them with their journey.

Rik Conway

Rik Conway

Ko Tairea Te Maunga
Ko Whangawehi Te Awa
Ko Kurahaupo Te Waka
Ko Tuahuru Te Marae
Ko Rongomaiwahine Te Iwi
Ko Ngai Tu Te Hapu
Ko Rik Conway Ahau.

I was born in Invercargill, raised in Mahia and Wairoa by my grandparents and I have connections to Hicks Bay, Ngāti Porou.

I have four tamariki and married to my partner of 14+ years Dom Conway.

I am passionate about our community and I am a youth leader working alongside with my wife with our rangatahi at our local church.

I attended Wairoa Primary and Wairoa College and have worked locally in the district and the experience and knowledge I have gained over the years range from level 2 Boiler operator, level 4 kiln operator, level 2 H&S rep , Level 4 youth worker certificate, de-escaltion and security qualifications just to name a few.

With the experience and knowledge gained through my line of work I am able to utilise these skills to help our people in our community through my role as Kaiwhakawhiriwhiri with our Whangaia Nga Pa Harakeke Team.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. My strength is not as a indivdual, but as a collective”

Jess King

Ko Whakapunake te Maunga
Ko Ruakituri me Hangaroa ngā Awa
Ko Ruataniwha me Te Reinga ngā Marae
Ko Hinehika te Hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa te Iwi
Ko Takitimu te Waka
No Ruataniwha ōku tīpuna
Kei te noho au i Wairoa

Ko Jess Te Rangimārie King Ahau

Born in Ngāti Kahungunu, raised all over Aotearoa and with international experiences that have shaped my worldview. I am a daughter, sister, aunty, fiance and a proud Māmā to my beautiful tamariki. I moved back to Wairoa to raise my oldest daughter on our whenua and with the hopes to help whānau using my skills and experiences.

From a young age, I’ve nurtured a passion for social services, child welfare, and early childhood education. I find joy in collaborating with diverse whānau, each representing unique cultural backgrounds. My aspiration is to become a certified counsellor, recognising the transformative power of mental health support. 

Throughout my mahi, I like to prioritise the practice of tikanga Māori and the utilisation of our Reo, creating authentic connections with the whānau I support.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of the Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke team, contributing as a Kaiwhakawhiriwhiri here at Enabled Wairoa.